Discover a place where you can connect with yourself and others like never before.
Get the skills, awareness and support you need to achieve the change you want.
Connecting and Participating in South African Men’s Circles.
For many of us, sitting in a circle of men is the bedrock of our MKP experience, where we sit and speak our truth and are deeply heard by our brothers. Some of your South African brothers are now in their twentieth year of regular mens circles participation and it can be both healing and fun.
How you can become part of your own men’s circle.
After doing your New Warrior Adventure Training there will be Primary Integration Cycle (PIT Cycle), whereby you form a circle with other men from your training and are supported by facilitators on how to run your own men’s circle. Once this PIT Cycle is over you can continue as an independent circle or look for an existing circle to join.
Can’t attend or complete a PIT cycle in person?
There are online PIT Cycle trainings which you can attend and complete and then join an existing online or in-person circle once you have completed a PIT Cycle. Contact us asking for more info and we will assist.

Why Men’s Circles?
Experience fierce, loving support
Imagine a place where you don’t have to put on a show to be accepted, where you can tell the unvarnished truth about yourself – and your life – without judgement.
Imagine a space where you’re supported to break free of the beliefs that limit and sabotage you.
Imagine rediscovering your strength and developing new beliefs about yourself.
Imagine a circle which has your back and reminds you of your commitments, so you can hold yourself accountable and stay on track with your goals. And imagine a place where vulnerability is respected and helps foster some of the deepest, most supportive friendships of your life.
MKP mens circles support men and build community. We help each other step through the fear of showing up authentically, powerfully, and vulnerably – warts and all – in life. We work with men and families to build emotionally-mature, accountable, and compassionate men – the male role models our communities so desperately need.
Who Can Come?
A place to discover the real you
Men from all walks of life attend mens circles. Individuals just like you. Fathers, sons, brothers, husbands and lovers. Educated and uneducated men. Professionals, traders, educators, creatives, office workers, athletes, business people, labourers, artists, soldiers, and unemployed. We are individuals of all ages, races, faiths, nationalities, creeds and sexual orientations.
What we share in common is that we each take responsibility for our lives, and who we are in the world. Through men’s circles we support each other to become better men: more conscious, connected, and alive.
At mens circle, you get a chance to look at what about your life is working? What’s not? What do you want to change? You’ll form a deep connection with yourself. You’ll build deep relationships with other individuals, and you’ll experience the love and support of a community of men working to better themselves and the world.
Find a Circle
Develop deep, supportive friendships
A men’s circle is a safe space where we gather to provide support to one another and work on issues in our lives.
There are no prerequisites to attending – all you need is a willingness to examine how you are leading your life as a man.
Individuals benefit from peer group support through facilitated process work which empowers them to lead the lives they choose.
We recommend talking to someone before attending. Find a circle near you (using this form) and contact the men’s circle organisers. They will be happy to talk more about how the circle operates and how you can get involved.
If you have a question about the Men’s Circles that is not listed here or available at mankindproject.org, we invite you to get in touch with us.
The journey begins with an experiential training weekend that has been described by thousands of men as the most powerful personal growth opportunity they have ever experienced. Gain a better understanding of what kind of man you want to be. Are you ready for an adventure?
"I always thought I knew what it was to be in the company of men. I never realized I had so much more to grow."
— Theo Klompje
When men talk about their feelings the world is a safer space
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