More men, in more circles, in more places! The power of men in circles to transform and to positively impact families and communities is undeniable. Over 3 decades of expansion and global missions of service have proven that the ManKind Project makes a profound difference.
You can make a difference in the lives of thousands of men, women and children with a single gift. Gift any amount towards a man’s training & network of support that empower men to step into their potential. Support healthy masculinity!
The ManKind Project of South Africa is a non-profit organisation. We are governed as a Trust, and are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in terms of section 30 of the Tax act.
Our New Warrior Training Adventure weekend is the gateway training to being a New Warrior. All MKP men have successfully completed the training. But these are expensive to set up and run, and the high cost naturally excludes some financially disadvantaged men. In order to bring this work to as many men as possible, we have established a bursary fund.
Donations are needed to provide funding for bursaries. In a country like South Africa, with large wealth imbalance – and huge diversity problems – this training is vital.
Please help us reach as many men as possible.
Contact our Fund-Raising Coordinator
Make a payment (above)
MKP South Africa Bank Account Details:
Bank: Nedbank
Branch: Claremont
Branch Number: 104609
Account Number: 1046482025
Account Name: The Mankind Project of SA Trust
Kindly use your ‘name’ and ‘donation’ or ‘NWTA’ for our admin reference when making payments.
E.g. “Donation Michael Nkosi” or “John Smith NWTA-87”.
SA Weekend Numbers
- 87 - CPT (October 2024)
Payment Details
Online payments options
When men talk about their feelings the world is a safer space
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