Frequently asked questions
Over time we've gathered this general list of the most common questions and their answers. A great starting point to gather information others have asked about.
Registration is a two-step process: follow the link below, and complete a confidential online questionnaire.
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Fees for the New Warrior Training Adventure in South Africa are currently R5800
This includes the follow-up Primary Integration Training (PIT) which is over 30 hours of additional optional training.
There is scholarship money available for those in serious need.
Please contact the community enrolment liaison to learn more here Contact Us Online Payment Gateway and link NWTA Bundle -
We don’t know, exactly. Your experience will be unique. You will learn about yourself and how you show up in the world. You will learn about your place in a community of men. You will learn about masculinity. You will see men support each other, play together and form a safe, authentic container where men are free to be exactly who they are, without defences or masks. It’s likely that when you leave this training you will have the possibility to love and be loved in a way you have not experienced in a very long time.
No. This training is not intended for men with active mental health issues that might lead to self-harming or violent behaviours. Please seek professional mental health counselling. If you have been involved in ongoing treatment, talk to your provider about whether an intense men’s weekend could be valuable to you. Involvement with the ManKind Project is often recognised to have positive effects for men in recovery from addictions. Talk to your sponsor. If you are actively using, we do not recommend The Adventure.
Like a stone dropping into a pond, The Adventure sends ripples through the lives of men, their families, and their communities. The growth and healing that men experience doesn’t stop with them. ManKind Project men and centers are involved in mentoring disaffected youth, working with gangs and incarcerated young men, building shelters for the homeless, and other causes that cry out for healthy masculine presence.
No. We offer a quality of community and connection very different from any fraternal organisation that we know of. But being a part of the ManKind Project certainly does not preclude anyone from membership in any purposeful organisation they wish to join. ManKind Project does not require exclusivity.
“Shadow” is the part of ourselves that we don’t talk about. It is the part of our personality that we deny to the world, and often to ourselves. Though we didn’t begin this way, the ManKind Project has incorporated symbols, archetypes and stories from Jungian psychology, made popular by men and women like Joseph Campbell, Robert Moore, Clarisa Pinkola Estes, Robert Bly and many others. You can read about the framework of Jungian beliefs HERE. Archetypal language and symbols are not the only frameworks we draw on. There are many ways to approach personal growth, and yours will likely be welcomed.
We believe that men have important work to accomplish in helping one another and learning to trust each other. The work we do is about helping men step into a healthy and mature sense of masculinity. Through working with each other, we create the real possibility for effective and productive relationships with women – relationships based in healthy respect, self-reliance, emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion.
We have affiliate organisation in South Africa for Women and Boys which you can find out more about here.
Thousands of religious men have attended and greatly benefited from the The Adventure. Many pastors, ministers, and rabbis have participated in ManKind project and are still involved in the organisation. There are Men’s circles in the ManKind Project made up mostly of men from the same church. There is room for you here.
Our core values align very well with many religious teachings and can augment a man of faith’s ability to navigate the world with clarity, a deep sense of purpose and joy.
Men who are atheists or non-religious have also found a home within the secular practices and belief shared by ManKind Project men. -
No. There are many definitions of a cult, but most include 1) a single charismatic leader, 2) financial support by committed followers, 3) a unified dogma or mission, and 4) separation from the outside world.
By contrast, the three men who founded what became the ManKind Project gave away our primary intellectual property, the protocols describing how to run the NWTA, to our nonprofit organisation many years ago. The two surviving founders, Bill Kauth and Rich Tosi, each receive royalties of less than $20,000 per year.
The ManKind Project has a set of core values: integrity, respect, generosity, accountability, multicultural awareness, and compassion. We have a common purpose: to create better men. We have no creation story, no mystical entities, no miracle stories, no icons, no gurus.
Rather than offering a single perspective on how to live, a single belief system or mission, we will support you in living your own mission as you define it.
Will some of your old beliefs be challenged on The Adventure? We certainly hope so. Our intention is to provide an opportunity for you to re-examine patterns which limit your potential, with the goal of expanding awareness and opportunity. As for separation from the community – the men in ManKind Project are involved in all kinds of communities! We are a far too diverse and vibrant group of men to be closed off from the world.
After getting involved in this work, most of us experience an expansion in the level of connection we have to all the people we meet and interact with. We have weekly or bi-weekly peer mentoring groups that we can choose to be involved with. Some of us volunteer to work for our centres or staff our training – and a few have made this work our livelihood. Many of us do feel strong loyalty for the ManKind Project because The Adventure and integration groups have brought so much meaning to our lives. Our loyalty is similar to how many of us feel about other service organisations that bring value to the world. -
No. Men of many faiths are active in ManKind Project communities. MKP encourages men from all walks of life and all faiths to sit together with respect and acceptance. Men are often invited to share wisdom from their own faith traditions in our circles, enriching all of us with the diversity of spiritual practices available in the world.
Some of the ritual aspects of the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA) are adapted from indigenous African traditions native to the country in which the training is held. For many men, this symbolism is a useful way to connect with spiritual parts of the self. We also work to respect and protect these first-nation traditions from exploitation.
You may have read statements that we are a pagan or neo-pagan organisation. We’re not. There are certainly men who consider themselves pagan in our membership, along with Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and others. There are also men with no religious beliefs. We do not ‘worship’ earth spirits. If you are comfortable in your faith, recognise the valuable role of symbolism in spiritual practices and are open to the beliefs of others, you will probably find much to appreciate in our organisation. If you have an exclusive belief system that does not leave room for acceptance and tolerance of other paths; while you are likely to find value in the NWTA, you may not feel comfortable associating with the diversity of spiritual practices and beliefs in our organisation.
There is no room in our circles for active intolerance, bigotry or discrimination. We do not allow any religious tradition to influence our training protocols, impose religious values on other men in our organisation, or proselytise. Men are invited to connect with what is most true for themselves in their spiritual practice. -
Most of our organisational income comes from tuition fees for our training. Mankind Project International has no brick-and-mortar headquarters, though several of the individual centres do. We have a very small staff of paid employees, and some committee chairs are offered a small stipend for their service. We also raise money through donations, and through inexpensive membership fees in some areas. We earn a small amount of money each year through the sale of Mankind Project goods, like hats and shirts. No one ever has, and no one ever will get rich from the Mankind Project. That’s not what we’re about.
ManKind Project offers a wide range of advanced training courses. Our members have created trainings to address multiple aspects of masculinity, multicultural issues, social justice work, work in prisons, work with veterans, work with teens, non-violence trainings, meditation and spiritual practices, religious explorations, support for elders and young men, fathers, divorced men, gay men, advanced leadership training, corporate training, individual coaching and counselling, shadow work, numerous body-mind and healing modalities, wilderness leadership and exploration, sustainability and ecological living, community building and more. Some of these trainings are sponsored by ManKind Project Communities, others sponsored independently.
The ManKind Project, through our Community Centers across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, South Africa, German speaking and French speaking Europe, and other smaller developing centres, conduct regular peer mentoring groups called “Integration Groups” where men join one another in providing ongoing challenges and support through all the stages of a man’s life. There are often opportunities to join these men and experience first-hand the commitment and connection of ManKind project men. Contact a local community representative to find a men’s group near you.
We welcome gay, bisexual men and transgender men to The Adventure. The Adventure, and our men’s circles, often give gay men the opportunity to create strong and supportive connections with straight allies. ManKind Project has a longstanding and growing community of gay, bisexual and transgender men throughout the world. Straight men have the opportunity to examine their internalised prejudices and take responsibility for their feelings and actions, learning to value differences and acknowledge similarities. Multicultural awareness is one of our core values as an organisation and we take pride in the work we’ve done to create productive cross-cultural dialogues over the last two decades. We will never try to change a man’s sexual orientation. Read about our policy on sexual orientation here. We create training courses and circles in which all men are welcome to discover their deepest truths. We welcome men of all sexual orientations: gay, straight, and bisexual, including those who identify as having unwanted same-sex attraction, to do their own work as they define it, to respect the identity and value of others, and to take responsibility for the impact their words and behaviours have on others.
Some men come to The Adventure feeling stuck, frustrated, powerless. They may be looking to find the energy to make powerful changes in their lives, and our intention is to empower men to create the lives they want. For some men, this may mean choosing to leave a relationship, a place, or a job (though men are strongly discouraged from making any major life decisions for 6 months after the training). Just as likely, a man will rediscover the passion, love and connection that he felt when he first entered a relationship and return from the training with renewed energy to make his relationship work. Partners of men who attend the weekend are often outspoken about the many benefits they experience directly and indirectly as a result of their loved-ones doing the weekend. Men who have attended The Adventure have the opportunity to co-create incredibly strong relationships with their spouses and partners, their children and their co-workers. Our goal is to help them clarify their choices, and find the passion to make the changes they choose.
No weekend workshop is a fix-all. We do not expect The Adventure to “cure” you or “fix” your life. Instead, we hope that this can be the start of a process of self-discovery. We offer voluntary men’s groups, called Integration Groups, for continuing this work in a supportive environment. Within ManKind Project you can also participate in advanced leadership and skills training or apply to staff at any of our future weekends.
“MKP helped me step into healthy masculinity and enabled me to be a connected father and man in the world.”
— Anthony Chemaly
When men talk about their feelings the world is a safer space
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